Saturday, May 25, 2019

May 25, 1919 -- George Back in God's Country; NY Cheers; Cousin Grace Hopes to See George Soon

Camp Mills, N.Y.
May 25, 1919
Dear Ones at Home:            I mailed a letter to you this A.M. and will mail this about the same time tomorrow just to fool you if possible and have you get mail from me two days in succession.  But don’t expect the barrage to last as I am going to fool you the other way next time and not write for two or three days. I’d rather talk than write anyway, and if I write it all I won’t have anything to talk about.  Wouldn’t that be a calamity?

            I’m getting so clean I don’t know myself.  Got deloused again yesterday – tho I haven’t found a freckle since we were in Echternach last and neither have the inspectors. Then this morning when I got up I felt kind of sleepy and sweaty and visions of the showers at the end of the barracks came to mind.  I grabbed my clean underwear and an overcoat, toot-sweeted downstairs and in a minute was awake aplenty.  I still hand it to Luxembourg’s mountain streams, but those showers are a close second.  And the hit like a machine gun barrage.  But it was great and made one’s blood leap in a real American way.              I wonder if lack of baths makes Europe sleepy, or Sleepy Europe makes lack of baths.  Anyway, it is great to be where you can get a bath at will instead of by the numbers even if you do have to wash your own underwear.  That is a job I must do yet tonite if I am to see New York tomorrow. Don’t forget to get me Grace’s address if you have it.            This has been a fine sunny day and almost too hot.  As I have been out on the camp streets most of the day my face is burned blacker than ever.  Wonder whether the limit of blackness will be reached anyway.  How is my baby elephant sister getting on.  The fellows say I’m getting fatter than ever so I guess it is a race at that.  Tell Herman I want Maxine to have an extra feed of gasoline handy as I’m going to bum you for bucco rides.  But – don’t uncork the gas if there is a fire within a billion miles of it.  This is enough bunk for now.            Got yours of the 21st today.  Also one dated May 16. 
                                                Love to all, my dear home folks.                                                             George
         May 24, 1919               

Dear George,

                        I got your letter all OK have been eagerly watching the papers to find out when you arrived at Camp Grant, but have so far failed to get any definite information.  From what I can learn, however you must bet here now, and I hope this letter reaches you before you leave, so I will get a chance to at least say hello to you as you go by.
            Let me know by what train you will arrive and I will try to meet you, but if you do have an hour or so and I can’t get off to go to the train, you’ll find me in the Treasury Dept. at the capitol – where we spend the money for the state, or I can also be located at the Y.W.C.A. where I room and eat most of my meals.  The Y.W. building is in the first block on the right hand side of State Street just as you leave the square.  I am going home Friday – (Decoration Day) and expect to spend two weeks at home.  As they have mentioned at the office that that would be the most convenient time for me to take my summer vacation.
            Just drop me a card if you have any time or perhaps you would call me up, (at the office between 8:30 -12; and 1:30 – 5:00 or at the Y.W.C.A.  Hoping to see you soon.
            I am, as ever, Your talkative cousin,
                                                            Grace [Pautsch]

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