Friday, October 6, 2017

October 6, 1917 - George Worries About Family; Makes Requests for Items

Camp Logan, Oct 6 – ‘17

Dear Ones All:,

            I can’t understand why I receive no mail from you.  If anything serious is the matter why don’t you wire and I might get off for a few days.  Anyway, I’d rather know if anything is wrong.

            Of course there has not been time to get any mail down here since I sent you my address, but if any had been sent to Jefferson Barracks I should have rec’d it by forward before this.

            As I said before, don’t feel called upon to buy a wrist watch, but let me know whether or not you are going to send one as I must have one as soon as possible.  I have not heard what my bank balance is but feel sure that it must be at least $10.00 yet, so if you decide not to get the watch you had better draw that much out and send it by Chicago or St. Louis Bank draft.  If you do get watch you need only send $6.00 to buy razor, etc.

            Also please send my surveying and my mechanical drawing books (one of each) down, along with a couple of towels and the suit of B.V.D.’s I sent home.

            Feeling fine now.  Guess work continues to be good for me.  Anyway it’s a cinch I haven’t had a chance to try anything else.

            Please send the things down in the little black suit case I used to canvas with if possible as I can use it to keep toilet articles and clothing in very nicely.  Also please send down three or four old flour sacks ripped open to use to clean guns, shoes, etc.  A few more kerchiefs would be appreciated.

            Must close now and go back to quarters for inspection and retreat.

                                                            Love to all,

                                                                        George Sherwood




[1] BVD is a brand of men's underwear, which are commonly referred to as "BVDs." BVD stands for Bradley, Voorhees & Day, the New York City firm that initially manufactured underwear of this name for both men and women. BVD is now only for men. It was founded in 1876 and named for its three founders. 

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